June 2023

AusIMM SMI Night

Xenith attended the Hunter New England Student Chapter Student Meets Industry Night on Friday the 19th of May in Newcastle.

Xenith was able to talk about pathways for students within the mining industry and how Xenith could support students to progress in the industry through the vast range of service offerings that Xenith have expertise in.

Xenith attended the Hunter New England Student Chapter Student Meets Industry Night on Friday the 19th of May in Newcastle. Xenith was able to talk about pathways for students within the mining industry and how Xenith could support students to progress in the industry through the vast range of service offerings that Xenith have expertise in. Xenith staff Cheryl Holz, Simon Rock and Shane Holmes represented Xenith at the event and were very pleased to be able to provide platinum sponsorship in support of the student chapter.



There was a large number of students in attendance with a mix of disciplines from Chemical Engineering (Processing), Environmental Science, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and only one Geology student. Xenith look forward to attending the next SMI night to be held later in the year at the University of New England where we hope to see some more Geology students!  

